Welcome to the Resort Village of

Kivimaa - Moonlight Bay

Home of the Turtle Lake Monster


 Everybody please note!  The Annual Ratepayers Meeting will be held Saturday, August 3rd in the Fire Hall at 10:00 am.  Please bring your own chairs.  If you have questions for Council, please submit them in writing no later than Thursday, August 1st to the Village office.  You can either email them or drop them off at the office.  Anonymous submissions will not be responded to.  See you there!


Announcement -  


Just a reminder of our bylaws we have been contacted about a few issues that are going on in the village. Bylaw 7/22 This is our animal control bylaw. Here is a quick copy of what is in this bylaw, to read the entire bylaw go to website under bylaws.  Dogs have been a discussion of late, please keep your animals on a leash. If you are a dog owner where your dog likes to run, please consider a fence or some other way of keeping them on your property. As the owner the liability is yours.


 4.  Running at Large

            a)  No person shall allow their dog to be at large within the Resort Village without being restrained by a leash or harness.  Owners should ensure that their dog/s remain on their property by means of a leash, harness or adequate enclosure.

            b)  A dog shall be considered “at large” if it is off the premises of its owner, unless the dog is both on a leash not exceeding 2 meters in length and under the proper control of its owner.

            c) Where the owner of a dog that has been reported to the Resort Village office as being at large, unrestrained and/or of causing excessive noise has been identified, the following procedures will be followed:

                        i) For the first offence, the owner will be sent a letter from the Resort Village informing them that their dog has been reported as being at large and/or causing excessive noise and that they are in non-compliance with the Resort Village Bylaw and warned that they will be liable to a fine of not less than $50.00 dollars for the second offence and not less than $100.00 dollars for a third and any subsequent offence.

                        ii) For the second offence, the owner will receive a second letter and will be liable to a fine of $50.00 dollars in way of Form “C” as part of this bylaw, and attached hereto.

                        iii) For any third and subsequent offence, the owner will receive a letter and will be liable to a fine of $100.00 dollars in way of Form “C” as part of this bylaw, and attached hereto.

                        iv) Any dog running at large four or more times may be disposed of by the police or any other person appointed by the Council.


6.  Number of Animals Permitted

            a)  No person or persons within the Village shall harbor or keep more than two (2) dogs and two (2) cats on any one property. If an owner fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this section, he/she shall be subject to the penalties as set out in Schedule “B” attached hereto.

            b) No person or persons shall harbor or possess the breeds of Pitbull, Staffordshire Terrier or Rottweiler, or any mixed breed including these, in the Village.






** If paid within 30 days of date of issue of the notice of violation**



1st Violation

2nd and Subsequent Violation


Running at Large


$50.00 / $100.00

5 b) 8 d)



$50.00 / $100.00

5 c)



$50.00 / $100.00

5 d)



Animal banned from Village

5 e)


$250.00 and

Destruction of Animal


Number of Animals

$100 per animal

$200 per animal

7 a)



$50.00 / $100.00


**If paid after 30 days of the date of issue of the notice of violation**

All offences except Biting                  $150.00                       $250.00



We would also like to share bylaw No. 1/06 the Nuisance Abatement Bylaw. There are concerns pertaining to this as well. Again, for the full bylaw please go to the website under bylaws. Residents come up here to enjoy the beauty of the lake and the nature around them. When properties aren’t maintained,this distracts from the beauty. If you can’t make it up here on a regular basis, we will try to find some names of students that can keep grass under control in your yard. This will be a better value than violation of this bylaw.



  1. Unless otherwise specified, the owner of a property, including land, buildings and structures, shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Bylaw.


Nuisances Prohibited Generally

  1. No person shall cause or permit a nuisance to occur on any property owned by that person.


Dilapidated Buildings

  1. Notwithstanding the generality of Section 5, no person shall cause or permit a building or structure to deteriorate into a ruinous or dilapidated state such that the building or structure:

a)      is dangerous to the public health or safety; 

b)      substantially depreciates the value of other land or improvements in the neighbourhood; or

c)      is substantially detrimental to the amenities of the neighbourhood.


Unoccupied Buildings

  1. Notwithstanding the generality of Section 5, no person shall cause or permit an unoccupied building to become damaged or to deteriorate into a state of disrepair such that the building is an imminent danger to public safety.


Overgrown Grass and Weeds

  1. Notwithstanding the generality of Section 5, no owner or occupant of land shall cause or permit the land to be overgrown with grass or weeds.


  1. For the purposes of this section, “overgrown” means in excess of 0.20 metres in height.


  1. This section shall not apply to any growth which forms part of a natural garden that has been deliberately planted to produce ground cover, including one or more species of wildflowers, shrubs, perennials, grasses or combinations of them, whether native or non-native, consistent with a managed and natural landscape other than regularly mown grass.


Untidy and Unsightly Property

  1. Notwithstanding the generality of Section 5, no person shall cause or permit any land or buildings to become untidy and unsightly.


Junked Vehicles

  1. Notwithstanding the generality of Section 5, no person shall cause or permit any junked vehicle to be kept on any land owned by that person.


Open Excavations

  1. Notwithstanding the generality of Section 5, no person shall cause or permit any basement, excavation, drain, ditch, watercourse, pond, surface water, swimming pool or other structure to exist in or on any private land or in or about any building or structure which is dangerous to the public safety or health.


Maintenance of Yards

  1. Notwithstanding the generality of section 5, no person shall cause or permit on any property owned by that person:

a)      an infestation of rodents, vermin or insects;

b)      any dead or hazardous trees; or

c)      any sharp or dangerous objects.


Municipality Remedying Contraventions

  1. The Municipality may, in accordance with Section 366 of The Municipalities Act, take whatever actions or measures are necessary to remedy a contravention of this Bylaw.



This is important to Know!!!

Recovery of Unpaid Expenses and Costs

  1. Any unpaid expenses and costs incurred by the Municipality in remedying a contravention of this Bylaw may be recovered either:

a)      by civil action for debt in a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with Section 368 of The Municipalities Act; or

b)      by adding the amount to the taxes on the property on which the work is done in accordance with Section 369 of The Municipalities Act.








Hoodies will be in next week! If you haven't paid yet you can at pick up.




 Reminder you will only receive an assessment notice if you have had changes to your property in the last year.



Sgi recreational vehicles-  This is a good read from SGI please inform yourself

Access has left a tablet at village office to sign up if this makes it easier for you. You may still sign up on your own @ myaccess.ca/turtlelake. They plan on starting in the village on Thursday. There is no cost to bring fiber optics to your property at this time and you have no obligation to sign up with them. If this is something you may be interested in the future please sign up today. 






Reminder Garbage Pick up is now Wednesdays! 


 We have been informed of burglaries around the village. Please keep your eyes open and your doors locked. Even if you have small items taken please report to the RCMP. The more activities reported for the area will increase patrolling. St.Walburg RCMP (306) 248- 6250 Turtleford RCMP is (306) 845-4520


Garbage pick up will no longer be Mondays it will now be on Wednedays. We will update the schedule and repost.







We are currently taking order on these hoodies. Please email the office for more information. rvkmb@myaccess.ca









The Turtle Lake Watershed Authority has stated that the two biggest threats to our lake are 

1. Sewage draining into the lake

2.  Fertilizer contaminating the lake

As defined under the Saskatchewan Onsite Wastewater Disposal Guide, sewage is defined as "any liquid waste other than clear-water waste or storm water.  Sewage is the composite liquid and water-carried wastes associated with the use of water for cooking, cleaning, washing, hygiene, sanitation or other domestic purposes; includes greywater but does not include liquid waste from industrial processes."

We love our lake.  Please think before disposing of any liquid other than into your septic system.  And do you really need to fertilize your lawn?






Effective July 27, 2022 ALL quads, side by sides and golf carts operating within the Village will require a numbered tag (plate).  Tags are available at the office at a cost of $20.00 each.  If you have multiple recreational vehicles you will receive the same number on each tag for each vehicle.  These tags (plates) are for the sole purpose of registering your vehicle at the village office. Should you have any questions  please reach out to any member of our council.  Contact information is listed on the "Council" page of our website.

As many of us will soon be moving our boats it is important to be aware of the regulations regarding Drain Plugs, please see the information below and click on the 'Saskatchewan Boaters' link for further details.

"As of 2020, it is mandatory to remove all watercraft drain plugs during transportation, you could face a fine for failing to do so. Saskatchewan continues to be free of AIS. Ensuring that watercraft owners stop at open inspection stations, even if you were previously inspected, will help the province retain this critically important status."

Saskatchewan Boaters

 Meat and Veggie Truck

You can  order from their website greenleafmeats.ca 

  The 2021 Census Report has arrived


The Village will require a Local Authority Freedom of Information Policy (LAFOIP) information request form for any information other than that normally disclosed by the Village.  There will be a filing fee of $20.00 and a $40.00 per hour (3 hour minimum) charge for administration time which must be paid before work will begin  The Village will issue a refund for any unused time.  This will ensure that the user of the information is responsible for the cost, rather than the village as a whole subsidizing a ratepayer request.  The attached form below must be included with the request.

LAFOIP request for information



Residents are continuing to feed foxes in the village, and as Saskatchewan Environment considers this a self-inflicted problem, they will not contribute to a solution.  Feeding foxes should be stopped as soon as possible for the following reasons:

  • Although rare, foxes are reservoirs for rabies.  If you see a fox acting aggressively or looking ill, do not approach!
  • Foxes will attack small dogs and carry diseases such as mange that can be spread to domestic pets.
  • It's cruel.  Foxes can rapidly become dependent on human food sources and will expand their population to take advantage of it.  If you feed intermitantly, you are just causing hardship for them.  


Vandalism is a problem in the Village.  Effective June 3, 2021 surveillance cameras have been installed at the Mini Golf.


About Us

The Resort Village Of Kivimaa–Moonlight Bay Is A Small Resort Community Located On The West Side Of Turtle Lake. Nearby Communities Include Livelong (20 Mins), Turtleford (30 Mins), Glaslyn (30 Mins) And St. Walburg (40 Mins). Kivimaa–Moonlight Bay Is Home To About 80 Permanent Residents, With Close To 240 Cabins And Over 300 Lots.